Readings, Musings, and Snow
I'll be reading at the Elliot Bay Book Company on December 8th at 7:30PM with Nancy Pagh.
Come hear us! Come chat with us! Get some holiday shopping finished!
The bookstore's in Seattle at 101 South Main Street.
It's snowing again. Overnight, 'bout 2 inches. More soon. I may not be getting out today.
Last week of the quarter, which is good. Gives me time to get back into the writing saddle again.
Speaking of which, I'm once again involved in a daily writing group. Because of the holidays, we agreed that it can't be sustained for a full month, so we've truncated the event to eighteen days. Group members for the event are many of the same folks as the August poem-a-day event, minus Sandra B. *sniff* Erika Meitner's agreed to lead us this time. I'm not sure if I'll be posting poems on the blog. I haven't decided yet.
I have not done ANY holiday shopping yet. :-O