In Los Angeles and my heart's on a chain

I've had a very busy week.

After worrying about L, who was hospitalized for dehydration, I found myself again in the hospital this past weekend. Only this time for the birth of my second son.

The birth went without incident and both Meredith and my son are resting comfortably at home.

I, however, am a bit shaky. You see, I'm in LA right now for a series of four readings in my former city. There was no way around it. I have to be here, but my mind and my heart is elsewhere.

Rest assured, I will read my poems with integrity and with passion, but know that I am also worrying a bit.


Tonight, Tuesday, April 27th I will be reading at the Cobalt Cafe. Doors open at 8:30 and the reading starts at 9PM.


Current Spin:

Oliver de la Paz