Slaying the Dragon of Spring 2010



This is a dragon sculpture roosting just outside the art building. It's constructed entirely of scrap metal.

It's scary.


The portfolios are rolling in. This year I asked my ENG 460 class to create a chapbook. I wanted them to do something a bit more creative. Rather than the standard portfolio, I invited them to take apart some of their projects. It'll be interesting to see what comes about.


If you were to devise a comprehensive reading list for a graduate school, who would you include and why? I'm faced with such a question at the moment. It's my dragon:



Rawr. I want to take my kid to see this. I wonder if he'll be terrified or curious. Terror and curiosity--such a fine line with someone so young. The other day I was grinding coffee and he walked in just as I hit the "grind" button. He balled up his little fists, tight, shook them, and started to cry.

Previous encounters with the coffee grinder have been less formidable. He usually giggles when I run the grinder, but this day was scary day.



So, this is funny . . . I'm going to see the The Highland Games with my family tomorrow. Bag Pipes! Men in skirts! The high kicks! The drums! I'll take photos. Be warned.


Rawr. It's the end of the Spring Quarter! Rawr.


Current Spin:







Oliver de la Paz