Back from my Winter hiatus

It's been a busy few weeks. The two-year-old was out of daycare for three weeks and we got the full brunt of his energy. Couple that with the needs of an infant and there you have it--an involuntary hiatus from blogging.




So, I've been busy being a parent, which is what was required of me for three weeks and which I enjoy. I didn't read anything. I didn't write anything (except a few reference letters). I basically caught up on my pop-culture. Meredith and I had been hearing from everyone under the sun that we'd like Mad Men, and I have to say it took us a long time to warm up to the show. After the first episode, I turned to Meredith and said "I hate everyone on this show." My feelings towards the characters haven't changed a whole lot. Not many of the characters are "likeable," but I'm now curious to see how they work through their flaws. We wound up watching all the way up to Season 3. We don't get AMC on cable, so we'll have to wait for the DVD set via Netflix.

I'm still working out how I feel about the characters, and I haven't made any decisions about the whole mess. Sure, it was another era and all that, but I'm repulsed by so much of what's going on, and that's probably what's drawing my eye in.


I'm happy that school is starting back up. I'm no longer the academic adviser for creative writing and immediately my e-mail volume slowed.


However, a new bit of work is coming my way. I didn't announce this, but I was elected to serve on the AWP Board of Directors. I'll be a Board Elect until after the conference in February. Here comes the work! Many of my friends know that I love the work. It's true. I do.


I'm trying to read Blood Meridan on my iPad. The experience is very different from reading it in book form . . . I'm finding it easier to get distracted. Maybe it's because I have e-mail and internet on the same damn device.


Do you keep New Year's resolutions? I try every year. This year I'm going to try to lose 10 lbs--my doctor wants me to lose some daddy flab which came with eating the leftovers of the kids. I will also try to read more, write more, and spend less time on Facebook, etc. This last part will be very hard for me.

What are your resolutions?


Current Spin:


Oliver de la Paz