Submishmash is my friend

Today was a curatorial day, although I managed to squeeze out the prose poem below. By "curatorial," I mean that I spent the morning sorting and submitting packets of prose poems, and I sent exclusively electronic submissions this round.

I used this list as my guide:

Then I went through and submitted to journals whose work I admire.

All told, I sent out roughly 7 packets of non-simultaneously submitted work. I had a lot of work laying around doing nothing, so I decided to take care of the business end of things. Every once in awhile, it's important to be a curator of your work. So I busily logged items in my submissions checker.

We'll see what happens. I re-sent work to a couple of places that keep rejecting me. I'm also sending to newer places. I sent work to journals who have never published any of my work.

My favorite method for submitting work is the Submishmash engine. It's so easy and convenient. There are other types of e-submission methods, but I found Submishmash to be the most user-friendly.

Overall, I'm relieved to have gotten the work done.I spent a long time in a chair. It's time to exercise.


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