Heading to Bama

My tour of the South continues as I head to Tuscaloosa to read for the Slash Pine Poetry Festival. Hope to see some of you there.


The new academic quarter has begun and I'm feeling recharged. I think the warmer temperatures have awoken me a bit.

This quarter, I'll be teaching my forms class again as well as a prose poem/short-short class. Should be fun. I'm in a lousy/stuffy room, but I've got all the AV equipment I need. It'll be fine.


Just had a handful of acceptances over the weekend, which is great. Almost 90% of my "Dear Empire" poems and "Camera" poems have now found homes, which is both satisfying and daunting. I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to complete with this project, mainly because I haven't had the opportunity to lay the work out and analyze the "moving parts." Hopefully I'll find time to do this some time in the quarter.


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newsOliver de la Paz