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VONA Summer Workshop (Via Zoom)

About VONA:

The premier multi-genre workshop for BIPOC Writers, VONA is a Home where writers of color

come to hone their craft and be in community. VONA honors its writers' unique histories, traditions

and aesthetics and provides a protected mentoring space for learning and fellowship. VONA

fosters the development of personal and political writing and engages in the work of social justice

as we build our global community of writers.

About the Workshop:

Small Wonders: The Prose Poem and Its Packages


In this generative workshop, we will look at the Prose Poem. Often, people suggest that writing prose poems is liberating, but what exactly does that mean?  Does the lack of line breaks serve a purpose or is it arbitrary for some prose poems?  Does the shortness of the prose put a strain on the possibility of a narrative?  Can a subject be fully explored in such short bursts?  What is gained or lost with the addition of line breaks?  The workshop will, further, be a combination of reading and writing to redefine, reexamine, and reevaluate the nature of the prose poem.