Wolf Boy Revisted and Other Stuff

Here's a write-up about Nic Sebastian's Whale Sounds on the Best American Poetry blog. Wolf Boy gets a special mention.



Yay weekend!


I've conquered one essay deadline. I've got two more essay deadlines. Poems? What are those? I hope to be getting to poems once again shortly.


I just found out that I was granted two quarters of sabbatical for the 2011/2012 academic year. I was hoping for three quarters, but it turns out a heck of a lot of people applied and they can only grant a total of 75 sabbatical quarters throughout the entire university. Bummer. I'm not sure when the sabbatical will take place, either. I'm hoping for a Fall/Winter sabbatical, coming back in the Spring for one quarter. That would be nice. I plan on finishing my Dear Empire manuscript as well as a second manuscript that's mostly done, entitled Dumbstruck Luck. The later manuscript needs some tonal adjustments, e.g. poems which account for the subject in a new way. My "Hello" poem is one of the poems in that collection, if you're curious.


Finished teaching today. I'm not sure I like the Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule. I feel like I run out of time too quickly.


Current Spin: 

Oliver de la Paz